
海洛因addiction impacts people from all backgrounds and walks of life; it can affect you, your friends, your family members and your loved ones. To support those you care about when they need it the most, it’s important to understand the dangers surrounding this drug and the types of life-saving treatment available.

Article at a Glance:

  • 海洛因是An.阿片that is made from吗啡和can be snorted, smoked, or injected.
  • 海洛因通常用粉末形式或是黑色,粘性物质。
  • 海洛因是非常令人上瘾的,但恢复是可能的。
  • Treatment for heroin addiction involves detoxification, rehabilitation, and therapy.
  • 任何人都可以沉迷于海洛因,无论他们是谁。



When a person uses heroin, large amounts of dopamine create a rush of pleasure and euphoria. After this experience, many people report feeling like they need to seek out the drug again and again. This repeated heroin use is what drives heroin dependence very quickly and contributes to heroin addiction.






  • 海洛因康复

    海洛因康复is an important step in recovery. When recovering from heroin addiction, it is important to explore why you started using the drug in the first place. Further, you will need to develop coping strategies and mechanisms to avoid falling back into heroin use.


  • 海洛因成瘾排毒与康复

    Although there is a misconception that解毒rehabilitation它们是相同的,它们是恢复过程中的独特步骤。排毒 - 从海洛因失去的行为 - 是恢复的第一步。排毒是康复,它由谈话治疗组成,Teletherapy.和持续的支持。这些都是帮助人们从海洛因成瘾中恢复的重要工具。

  • 药物

    In some cases, medications can be used to help clients stop using heroin and stay sober. As an extremely addictive opioid, heroin often gives people a euphoric high.更长的阿片类药物与美沙酮和丁丙诺啡一样可用于防止戒断症状而不会导致兴奋的风险。此外,在排毒和康复过程中可以使用非阿片类药物,以帮助治疗其他戒断症状,​​例如肌肉酸痛或腹泻。

  • 行为治疗


继续阅读药物滥用治疗计划18luck体育登陆入口要么Verify Your Insurance Benefits


About745,000 Americans- 约0.3%的人口 - 2019年使用海洛因。海洛因使用影响了年轻人:2020年,约0.4%high school seniorssaid that they had a history of heroin use, with 0.3% stating they’d used it in the past month.一项调查从过去的复苏村,目前的阿片类药物也发现,大约25%的受访者使用海洛因。此外,三分之一的受访者开始具有合法的阿片类药物,但后来开始滥用海洛因或其他处方阿片类药物。



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  • 什么是海洛因?


  • How is heroin used?

    海洛因可以是以几种方式滥用。Most commonly, it is injected, smoked, sniffed or snorted. The highest-purity heroin is typically snorted or smoked.


  • 海洛因有什么常见的街头名字?


    • 大H.
    • Black Tar
    • 男生
    • Brown Sugar
    • China White
    • 涂料
    • Dragon
    • H
    • Junk
    • 墨西哥棕色
    • 鳞片
    • Skag
    • 臭鼬

    相关主题:Street Names for Drugs

Immediate Effects of Heroin


Long-Term Effects of Heroin


Long-term changes can include:

  • 神经递质和荷尔蒙的失衡
  • Deterioration in the brain’s white matter
  • 决策,情感和压力反应的问题


阿片类化疫情已经乘事风暴夺取了美国,并且许多人每天都从海洛因逾过境中死亡。仅在2019年,海洛因负责超过14,000人过量死亡in the United States, over七次1999年的死亡人数。



  • Shallow or slow breathing
  • Small pupils
  • Weak pulse
  • 钉子和嘴唇的蓝色
  • 困惑
  • 睡意
  • 昏迷
  • 死亡



Prescription painkillers have become a gateway drug to heroin, so anyone who has been prescribed opioid medications can be susceptible to heroin use and addiction.风险最大在那些依赖处方阿片类药物或滥用他们的人中。处方阿片类药物滥用经常开始about two yearsbefore a person turns to heroin.

People who are unable to finance their prescription opioid addiction or whose prescriptions have been cut off may resort to heroin use. This is because heroin produces a more distinct high for less money and is readily available. Due to its availability, affordability and link to prescription opioids, heroin addiction affects people from many backgrounds.


海洛因以多种形式提供,可以使其更难以识别。英雄形式也可能因您所在地区的可用性而异。两种最常见的海洛因的两种形式包括粉末形式以及固体,sticky form

  • 粉末形式

    海洛因是常用在白色或棕色的粉末形式。它是更白,更纯度和更有效,与灰白色或棕色海洛因进行比较。通常,褐海海洛因粉中有更多的杂质。The color usually varies based on geographic location in the U.S. For example, white or off-white powdered heroin is commonly seen in the eastern part of the U.S. Some powdered heroin may also be found in the western part of the U.S., but it’s typically the brown variety that is less pure.

  • Solid, Sticky Form

    Some heroin is sold as a solid, sticky substance that is通常是黑色的。被称为黑色焦油或粘性焦油,这种物质可能很难触摸。

    The purest forms of heroin are white, powdered and odor-free. However, the darker, impure forms of powdered heroin have a slight pungent smell similar to vinegar. Similarly, black tarheroin also has a smell slightly resembling vinegar。如果黑色焦油和灰白色的海洛因都被熏制了,那么气味会加剧,醋气味会更强大。

  • 与其他D海洛因削减rugs

    Pure heroin does exist in the drug marketplace. More often than not, however, it’scut with other drugs and substances。换句话说,药物经销商用海洛因的不同成分混合,所以它们可以销售更多的药物并获得更大的利润。虽然这个过程确实稀释了它,但它也使得药物消耗更危险,因为它可能导致各种效果。

    一些物质that heroin is cut with include:

    • 淀粉
    • Powdered milk
    • 奎宁
    • Fentanyl


  • 海洛因用具


    • 用于注射海洛因的针
    • Tinfoil used to heat heroin
    • 用来吸烟海洛因的管子
    • Plastic pen cases or cut up drinking straws used to snort or sniff heroin
    • 小勺子used to heat heroin for injection
    • 棉球用于从液体海洛因中除去杂质
    • 一个贴身,如鞋带,用于帮助海洛因注射




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