The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has changed daily life on a global scale. People practicing social distancing are helping to keep themselves, their loved ones and their communities safer, but it can also take a toll on their mental health. Staying at home, isolating or quarantining can导致压力和焦虑因为恐惧、沮丧、孤独和无聊。


14 Ways to Practice Self-Care in Quarantine


  • 刷新呆在家里会让我们忘记日常生活。淋浴和新衣服可以给一天带来新的活力。充足的睡眠、健康的饮食和锻炼可以让你保持清醒。
  • Write letters.Write a letter to your friends, family or people in your recovery groups to encourage them or show them you care. Thoughtful writing helps you reflect and feel gratitude for the good in your life and can brighten someone else’s day in the process.
  • Try something new.学习跳舞、做瑜伽、演奏乐器、做饭、修理东西、装饰房子,或者任何你一直渴望学习但却没有时间学习的东西。你的下一个爱好将有无数的在线教程。或者,花时间掌握一项你已经喜欢的活动——一个新项目、食谱或教程。
  • 口头的d quality time.Take time to grow your relationships with the people in your home. Meaningful conversations with your spouses, kids or roommates can be easier when you’re all not rushing from activity to activity. If your kids are staying at home, there’s never been a better time to build a fort in your living room, play a family game or start a creative project or science experiment together.
  • Stay connected.与世隔绝可能会感到孤独,但这并不意味着我们孤独。努力视频聊天,打电话或发短信给你正常见到的人,甚至是那些你不认识的人,只是为了打个招呼。如果有帮助的话,和你信任的人谈谈你在社交距离中的感受。他们可能会有同样的感觉,或者只是在那里聆听。
  • Be mindful.注意is a practice of being purposely aware of your environment, thoughts and feelings. Mindful activities promote calm, reduce stress and have multiple health benefits. Meditation, yoga, prayer, deep breathing and stretching are excellent examples.研究has also shown repetitive, relaxed activities like adult coloring books, knitting or gardening can boost mindfulness.
  • Pamper yourself.泡泡浴或家庭水疗日通常是“自我护理”的第一件事。不过,纵容并不一定要发生在浴缸里。你可以请自己小睡一会儿,从你最喜欢的餐厅吃外卖,或者吃你最喜欢的零食。
  • 挑战自己。有很多在线健身挑战,基于技能的挑战,甚至是在隔离期间长胡子的挑战。开始其中一项挑战可以帮助你成长,并将你与准备好为你加油的在线社区联系起来。
  • Take breaks from the news.While it’s important to stay informed, there is a point where constantly listening to news and social media posts about the outbreak can hurt your mental health. Find one or two reputable sources of COVID-19 information, schedule time to check in and then turn it off.
  • Look for good.All over the world, the pandemic has brought out the best in people. Families drive in car parades for their loved ones’ birthdays, crafters sew masks for those in need, and musicians hold pop-up performances from their balconies. Funny, heartwarming stories can provide relief from difficult times. Here’sa list to start with.
  • 养一只动物。Staying at home full-time is an opportunity to help an animal in need. Fostering or adopting a pet during the crisis can provide structure to the day, combat loneliness and bring a目的感感谢你在家的时光。
  • 在线志愿者。A2013 studyby UnitedHealth Group found volunteers reported lower stress levels, improved mood and improved senses of wellbeing. Many volunteer organizations offer opportunities to volunteer from home. Volunteers can transcribe documents, support others over the phone, sew masks or a host of other activities.
  • Attend recovery meetings online.与你的支持团队会面是长期康复的重要组成部分。如果您的常规组无法亲自会面,请考虑召开在线恢复会议。The Recovery Village Recovery Room app提供免费的匿名会议,这样你们就可以安全地一起工作,保持清醒。
  • Reach out to your sponsor.确保与你的赞助人保持联系,或者如果你还没有赞助人,就找一个赞助人。他们的支持和建议可以帮助你保持终生清醒。

Recovery Can Still Happen in a Crisis

A large part of recovery is learning new, healthier ways to cope with life challenges. The challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic can be stressful, but they can also be opportunities to strengthen your recovery. Proactively taking care of your mental health is not only possible at home, but a valuable way to stay sober now and beyond the crisis.


If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction during these unprecedented times, The Recovery Village is here to help. Our facilities remain open across the U.S. to help individuals enter lifelong recovery through evidence-based treatment.联系我们to learn more about available treatment options, including theNobu teletherapy app用于在线治疗和咨询。

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