






  1. 了解愤怒的真正来源
  2. 找到更好地解决愤怒担忧的方法
  3. 理解为什么人们与愤怒斗争的哲学观点



主持人Arthur Bain, LMHC, MCAP, CST她是一名注册心理健康咨询师、注册成瘾专业大师、认证精18luck新利app官网神转换器、认证认知行为治疗师和服务于美国军队和公众的EAP提供者。Bain先生1985年毕业于Florida Atlantic University,获得工商管理学士学位。2004年毕业于Nova Southeastern University School of Psychology,获得心理学硕士学位。贝恩先生目前正在玄学大学攻读玄学博士学位。




我是希瑟·安,感谢你加入康复村和先进康复系统社区教育系列。我们每周三下午两点到三点举办,所以请加入我们。感谢今天在座的各位。我说过了,我叫希瑟·安。我是高级恢复系统的高级外联协调员。我是南佛罗里达队的一员。Advanced Recovery Systems是一家综合性行为健康护理公司,致力于治疗成瘾、药物使用、饮食失调和精神健康问题。18luck新利app官网我们在所有设施中使用循证治疗方法,包括MAT、CBT、DBT和EMDR。我们是一家全国性的公司——为成人和青少年提供住院治疗。我们在佛罗里达州有四家机构,在州外也有四家。 I’d be happy to share more; I’ll put my information in the chat for anybody that would like to learn more about Advanced Recovery Systems.

废话不多说,我来介绍一下贝恩先生,他是我们今天的嘉宾,他的主题是愤怒和抑郁。贝恩先生1985年毕业于佛罗里达大西洋大学(Florida Atlantic University),获得工商管理学士学位。2004年,他从诺瓦东南大学心理学院毕业,获得心理学硕士学位。贝恩先生目前正在玄学大学攻读玄学博士学位。谢谢你们今天来到这里。贝恩先生,你负责这张桌子。






他说,他告诉你你赤身露体吗。这是上帝问亚当的问题。你吃了我吩咐你不可吃的那树上的果子吗。记住"诫"这个词有一个与"诫"相反的词,就是"需求"当这个人生气的时候,他们不是命令什么,而是要求什么。他们想要一些东西,他们要求得到它。这就是现在的情况。这主要是因为他们觉得自己别无选择,无论他们要求什么,别人都掌握在手里,因此依赖他们给他们想要的东西。如果那个人不给他们想要的,那就会导致他们变得愤怒。有时,这种愤怒会非常强烈,甚至会变成暴怒。 And sometimes I ask my clients to measure their anger on a scale of one to 10, and if they say eight, I say 16 because they are a poor judge of the intensity of their anger. And the man said, the woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree to eat. That’s blaming. Anybody disagree with that? Can you see where that is? What’s that all about?

那么,当它是愤怒时,会发生什么呢?他们提出了合法的要求。至少他们认为自己是,谁或什么东西有权力和权威提出要求或否认要求或权利或权威?这就是问题所在:谁拥有权威和权力,他们从何而来?它就这么从天而降,一个人就想当然地认为他们有权力和权威根据索赔提出要求吗?在这张幻灯片中我要强调一点。合法——当你看到这个词时,你会想到法律。那是正确的吗?有人不同意吗?这是违反法律。 So you would ask yourself, what law is the person that is angry violating? They’re violating a law, and that’s something that’s going to cause them a big-time problem. And later on, I’m going to touch on that when I get to another slide. But I’d like to let you know that some laws — it’s maybe not written anywhere. Maybe it’s not even clear what the law is, but there are laws that are laws of nature, laws of God, and laws of man, and there are spiritual laws. So, some law is being violated when a person is making a claim.


有人在聊天中说:“我认为愤怒是对边界被侵犯的情感反应,或者是对感知到的威胁或侵犯的反应。”这很接近了,如果你从最前端看如果你从那个方向看,那就没问题因为现在我们说愤怒是一种情绪,对吧?但事实上,它是nog。我们在前面说的是,这是对某物的反应——一个人选择的反应。所以如果他们有界限,那么谁来设定这些界限?如果他们真的存在,这些界限属于谁?我同意他们确实存在于前端。我们经常遇到的边界就是我们成长的边界——我们称之为条件反射。这些边界没有墙。我对那些墙有个说法。因为你看不到墙,所以它们是隐形的。 I’ll call it an assumption. That’s what we grew up in, and that’s who we coasted ourselves to be, and that’s what we have violated — a boundary. Somebody has boundaries — what I think myself to be.

所以,当他们看到这种情况发生时,首先,我们需要确定这个人违反了什么法律。他们违反了法律,他们感到受伤了,对吧?人们感到受伤的原因是他们在做他们不应该做的事情。它是判断一个人内心的想法和意图,他们想从谁那里得到他们想要的东西。这样的评判会让他们感到受伤。他们会觉得那个人有意伤害他们,但事实可能并非如此。这个人可能根本不想伤害他们。这个人可能是想帮助他们。但由于他们判断了这个人的想法和意图,他们感到受伤。他们接下来会感觉到的是——你觉得会是什么? Anybody? What’s the next feeling after feeling hurt? Well, you’re going to feel disappointed, and then you go to anger. It’s going to happen so quick that you’re not gonna realize that you went through from hurt to disappointed to anger, still on the front end. Am I making sense? It’s not what was going on in the background. What’s going on in the background is the judging and the fear. That’s what’s going on in the background. That’s what the person can not see, and in most cases, we can’t see either. Remember the last time you felt angry? What you did? If you can remember the first thing you did, then you can see where I’m coming from.



这个人在幕后的真实感受是他们感到无助。因为如果这是某人的东西,他们控制着它,他们拒绝给我,那就会让我感到无助,因为我对此无能为力。所以愤怒的背后是无助。现在,如果这种情况继续下去,如果它成为习惯,那么我们就知道它的走向了。最终,这将变成萧条。从认知的角度来看,阻止人们愤怒的是他们认为自己别无选择的时候。如果你还记得你两岁的时候,也许是一岁半的时候——我们大多数在美国长大的人都是吃罐子里的婴儿食品,他们会提供那些讨厌的豌豆。我想地球上没有一个婴儿喜欢这些豌豆。当我们的妈妈想把那些豌豆放进我们嘴里时,我们把它们吐回她脸上。我们得到了什么? A whack on the butt, right? Those of you that’s old enough to remember some of that — some of you may not remember that. Somebody else, you may be this old, but you had a similar encounter sometime in your childhood where you were denied something. And when you reacted to that denial and in an angry way, you got punished. Anybody remember that? If you do, just say yes.



好的,期望。事情就是这样,一个人期望得到他们想要的。所以他们在期待着什么,我敦促我的客户:不要期待什么,因为如果你期待什么,它会导致伤害,导致失望,导致愤怒,这需要使用想象力。因为如果我期待什么,我能看到。我大概知道那东西是什么,如果结果不是那样的话,我肯定会很受伤。我肯定会感到失望和愤怒。所以,不要那样做。我建议他们希望,而不是期待。有人有过这个问题吗?我建议他们抱着希望,不要期待任何东西,因为如果他们这样做了,这就是他们将要经历的过程。 And of course, you can see where this is going. Anger leads to depression. They are connected. I have never seen a patient come into my office that wasn’t irritable, frustrated, or angry, or all three. And they are all just forms of the same thing, which is anger.

愤怒,实际上,是一种精神。这不是一种情感。我们看到的情绪来自于思考过程。我们开始以某种方式思考,我们会有这种感觉,当我们有这种感觉时,我们就会采取行动。这是一种认知行为治疗方法——我们肯定会按照我们的思维方式行动,按照我们相信我们认为是正确的方式行动。那是正确的吗?有人相信自己的想法和信仰不是真的吗?但也有可能不是——这才是重点。这就是我们违反的法律。我所想的和所相信的可能根本不是真的。 What I’m taught to think and believe is what I’m preconditioned to believe. And at some point, I should start to investigate what I think and believe and find out if it’s true or not, but we never get that far in life. We usually just settle with thinking and thinking and believing that I’m right. Any questions? Nobody questions about being right. I’m surprised. Well, if you are right, the question becomes: According to what is your right based on? What makes you right? Have you ever thought about that? Well, it’s called being self-right. You’re right according to the self, and the self is that thing that we learned in that box — I’ll call it a psychological hell. We’ve been preconditioned to be ourselves, and there is no way killing my body is gonna kill me. The only way to get away from that is to walk away from it — just leave it where it is.

判断。我之前提到过,当一个人生气的时候,他们会认为这个人伤害了他们。他们所做的就是将自己与他人进行比较。这是在很深很深的心理层面上完成的。他们甚至没有意识到自己在比较自己。任何时候我们拿自己和别人比较,都会给我们带来严重的心理伤害。这将使我们偏离一个我们应该问自己的非常重要的问题。问题是,你是谁?我们很多人都知道自己是什么。我们有很多“什么”。 It depends on who I’m standing in front of, what I am. If I’m standing in front of my dad, I’m a son. If I’m standing in front of my boss, I’m an employee. If I’m standing in front of my wife, I’m a husband. So we wear a lot of hats, a lot of what we are — but who we are? That is a question that we do not investigate. I think it’s a very important question to investigate. There’s two parts. When I’m judging and comparing myself, in a kind of a roundabout way, that’s what I’m trying to find out. So, how can I compare myself to a person? Like, I would like to be like that person, I don’t want to be like that person. And I start complaining about how that person is ‘cause I think I’m not like that. Do we do that? Anybody that’s never done that, please let me know. You never done it? See, we do that when we ought to stay away from comparing ourselves to anybody in anything. And especially because that puts a label on us on the outside. We’re not looking at the inside. What’s causing the anger is not really what’s going on the outside — it’s everything that’s going on on the inside of that person. You ask that looking out and they’re projecting what is going on on the inside of them onto something — a person, place, a thing. And that’s the way we do.

这是一种哲学。本体论哲学更像是一种存在主义哲学。我研究的其中一个作者叫罗洛·梅他写了一本叫做《非存在者》的书“存在”的意思是他的生命,“不存在”的意思是他的死亡。这是一种试图弥合差距的哲学,但没有带来从一无所有到存在的解决方案。我认为这是一种,我看不懂另一部分的东西,可以弥补我们从一无所有到有所成就之间的差距。有时有人试图搁置这个问题,而不是给它一个答案。那么,愤怒是如何产生的呢?我们是怎么来的?万物的起源是什么? If we started to investigate this, we may find out, or we may not, but I think it’s a worthwhile investigation to try to find the origin of things. If we know where we come from, most likely we will not repeat that again. So if we don’t know what happened then we don’t know how to really correct them or change it, right? And those who asked the question, we are all extended, illegitimate — I can’t read the rest of that — from the whole of being the contrast to a supposed alternative non-being, which only particular beings possess. So there’s a statement that we make: I am. And the moment you say I am, that’s what you be and that’s exactly what you’re going to do. You can’t do it because we do what we believe. In spite of what anything or anybody said, we do what we believe. We can say one thing, but we will do what we believe.

这是一个精神活跃的过程。我之前所说的一切都是一个连续的循环。这是一个永无休止的循环。它会从有意识,无意识,超级无意识,然后再回来,继续循环,循环,循环。此时有两件事正在发生,那两件事就是文字和工作。现在,一个人不能很好地解释他们为什么生气——这是因为他们在说话,但他们不知道自己在做什么。当我们说话时,我们实际上是在做某事。所以听者,治疗师,应该能够准确地识别出这个人在做什么。现在,当一个人生气的时候,他们说的第一个词是什么?有人知道吗? What’s the first thing a person says when they’re angry? I know you’ve heard. Insults? Yes. What kind of attention? What are they doing when they insult a person? Trying to hurt them. Well, they’re drawing attention for what they’re doing. They’re blaming. “Something made me do something. He made me do it. They made me do it.” You hear that through that — something made me do something. What are they doing? They’re blaming.

所以,他们并没有真正造成问题。他们没有做的是制造一个他们没有做的问题——这是承担责任,因为他们说有人让我做了一些事情。这意味着他们给了一个人一种能力,使他们以某种方式做出反应。明白了吗?这是一个持续的循环,当一个人在上面有意识时,他们所做的就是把所有东西都往下推,然后就失去了超无意识的意识。但它会浮出水面,它不能不浮出水面。如果我感到受伤,只要我看到任何触发点——任何让我想起受伤的东西——它就会出现,这是一个连续的循环,直到有外部的东西介入,改变这种情况。我称之为常数变量。常变量总是在中间。如果你想一个你遇到的问题,任何人遇到过的问题,这个常量就是自我。 The self is present in all our problems. So is it outside that’s causing the problem, or the inside?


这是c·s·刘易斯关于愤怒的文章。基本上,这说的是-我真的不需要读整篇文章,因为我想你们能读懂。基本上,他的意思是愤怒会杀人。愤怒所做的就是当有东西杀人时,那就意味着一切都结束了。那是正确的吗?愤怒的作用是分离。它把生气的人和和你在一起的人分开,我们之间的任何分离都表明我们有一种分离的意识,而不是一种统一的意识。因为我想说的是,我和那个人不一样。我生气的时候基本上就是这么说的——我和那个人不一样。这就是分离。 And usually, if you’re in a kind of intimate relationship and a lot of anger begins to occur, you’re going to ask to be separate. It’s called a divorce.

好了,愤怒的本质,我想我们已经讲过了,所以我们可以跳过那个。好的,财富。这是我对财富的定义之一,它是机会,是人类事务中的一种力量。这是一个生态学的定义。它来自拉丁单词forula。如果我错过了一笔财富,我错过了一个选择。当事情发生时,我是有选择的——我可以做出这样或那样的反应。我有选择,但如果我觉得我别无选择我唯一的选择就是我自己,我就会做出这样的反应。但事实并非如此;我还有另一个选择,另一个选择。 Well, it’s not a choice but an option. I have one choice, two options — either this or that. But if I choose anger, and I can’t help but do that because that’s all I think I got. What you can tell the language is the fuse. When they think this kind of way, the language is, “I have to, I got to.” These are the types of things. “I should have, I would have.” All of these are negative phrases indicating that the person thinks that they only have one option in their choice, but this is never the case, so it’s not true. I never found them true. Anytime you have faced a situation where you don’t have at least two options — to live or die. You can stay or walk away. You always have two options, but if you’re forced into a corner, you’re gonna have an option. You’re going to come out angry or are you going to come out fighting. That’s fear.

意义上说,好的。愤怒更多的是对感官意识的反应,而不是对理性的反应。如果我们在推理,我的推理是这种情况不需要这种类型的反应,我们会给这种情况一个适当的反应。但如果我们是靠感官意识运作,那就不是这样了。我们要根据我的感受来做一些事情,但通常情况下,这并不是一个做决定的好地方。因为我的感受会影响我的思考方式,所以最好是把我的决定考虑清楚——至少在我的思维过程中,至少在精神层面上——而不是根据我的感受做出反应。感情不断变化。从你们开始听这个演讲到现在,你们的感受已经改变了很多次,事情就是这样。我在流沙的基础上做了一个决定——它在移动,说它永远不会稳定。这说得通吗? Sense is a perception, and the perception of a thing is not the thing. It’s just the perception. It’s not true. Example: Somebody walks up behind you and hits you on your back real hard. What’s your first reaction? Most likely, you think the person intended to hurt you, but there could have been a scorpion on your back about to bite you. See, you didn’t know that. Anger is a lot about not knowing. It’s not really knowing what’s really going on.

索赔。这是一个大问题。债权是对权利的要求。要求权就是申诉。当我们提出要求时,肯定会把我们和其他人区分开来。我们应该下达命令,而不是要求。命令统一,要求分离。好了,我们回到圆圈里。我们在上面有思想和信仰。我们有无意识的愤怒——一个人真的认为并相信自己外部的一个人、一个地方或一件事在否定自己的合法诉求。 That’s exactly what we’re thinking and believing when we’re angry. I know I’ve done it plenty of times. Anybody who has not done this?

好的,抑郁症。现在,这个词最初以某种方式出现在DSM-5书中——不确定它是如何出现的。但“抑郁”一开始确实是一个天文术语。它被用来测量角距离;然后这个词进入了DSM-V, DSM-IV, DSM-3, 2和1。但抑郁,实际上,最初的词是绝望。这是下一个词。真的是这样——这是绝望。那是一种绝望的感觉。就像我说的,当一个人生气而得不到他们想要的东西时,底线是,在基本水平上,他们会感到绝望。 They feel helpless, and helplessness leads to hopelessness. So the word was truly despair. There’s no reason for us to be angry or depressed, from a cognitive perspective. Now, a person can suffer anger because of a blow to the head. They can be suffering from traumatic brain injury, or there are a few rare medical reasons why a person is triggered to be angry, but those are rare. My estimate is the vast majority of anger and depression is because we are functioning at the psychological level rather than at the psychic or the rational level or the spiritual level.

绝望自然会摧毁勇气;它阻止了所有的努力。所以当一个人抑郁时,他们会进入戒断状态。他们不再努力,不再试图帮助自己,他们变得非常非常孤僻。如果情况变得非常严重,我们知道他们最终不会走出家门。他们不仅不会从屋子里出来,也不会从床上下来。他们只是一直呆在床上。绝望摧毁勇气,而我们需要勇气。我们需要勇气,因为我们面对的事情,总会伴随着恐惧,而我们需要勇气去面对恐惧。它会产生一种新的勇气,而这种新的勇气会导致自杀的企图。 This was taken from an old dictionary back in 1897. Any questions about this slide?

这是大多数愤怒问题的答案。因为如果我对一个人的所作所为感到生气,我会做什么——因为我感觉自己受到了伤害——我会记仇。如果你从来没有怀恨在心,那么这就不适用于你。但我认为大多数人都曾在人生的某个时刻怀恨在心。这是一位名叫杰拉尔德·詹波尔斯基的作家写的。他写了一本书叫《放下恐惧》。当我第一次读这本书时,它极大地改变了我的思维过程。我极力推荐这本书。它有几个新版本。我真的很喜欢这个版本,但它的名字叫“放下恐惧”。 And he says love is letting go. Inner peace can be only reached when we practice forgiveness; forgiveness is letting go of the past — all fear to the past. And therefore, it’s the correcting of our misperceptions of what happened to us. Our misperceptions can only be undone now, and it can be accomplished only through letting go of whatever we think. And through this process of selective forgetting, we embrace a present without the need to reenact our past. In other words, anger is living in the past, not in the present. We need to go and ask that person to forgive us for holding that grudge, and that’ll end our issue with anger against them. The more we know about a thing, the less likely we are to commit that error.






